“The art of delegation is one of the key skills

any entrepreneur must master.  – Richard Branson

Spend More Time Speaking to

Your Audience vs. Event Planners

As a speaker, the time spent contacting potential speaking engagements is extremely important. 

At the same time, your TIME is valuable. The more you speak, the more you get to do what you love. 

Imagine having someone to do tasks such as…

  • cold call event planners
  • send out preliminary materials for future speaking engagements
  • coordinate and manage event details 
  • follow up with leads after an event
  • contacting media outlets for interviews and articles

Speaker Agent Services

These services are focused on growing your speaking business,

saving you time and giving you more energy to do what you love. 

A.Booking New Speaking Engagements

• Proactive sourcing of new speaking opportunities for your         target audience.
• Have initial discovery call with meeting planner to uncover needs for event(s).
• Gather all requirements and details about the event. (i.e. audience, venue, date, fee, sales at event)
• Send out any requested information to event planners as speaker media kit.
• Provide you with all the event details, topics they are seeking, contact info of event planner.
• Complete initial speaking application forms.
• Close the new business and hand over to you to manage the event specifics.

B. Booked Events
• Work directly with the event planner to discuss specifics about the event.
• Communicate any specific needs you require leading up to, on the event date and after the event.
• Review details with you and relay any changes or requests to meeting planner.
• Complete and provide an event checklist with all key items related to the event.
• Maintain contact with the meeting planner to ensure all details are confirmed for the event date.
• Obtain images, video, audio etc. that may have been agreed to the event planner providing.
• Discuss with event planner additional opportunities for other events, trainings etc.

C.Event Follow Up
• Contact leads from events who purchased services at the event.
• Contact leads to follow up who didn’t purchase and obtain interest level to invest in services.
• Contact meeting planner to obtain testimonial, future events, referrals, feedback.
• Maintain contact with leads from events as per your instructions such as offer expiry date.

D. Customer Relationship Management
• Maintain regular contact with past meeting planners to identify additional speaking opportunities.
• Maintain regular follow up with potential clients who have shown an interest in speaking or training services.

E. Media Exposure
• Proactive sourcing of local, national and international media for interviews, TV, radio, podcasts etc.
• Send out media releases ex. book launches, newsworthy info or major speaking events.
• Contact reporters and media outlets directly to find stories related to your message.
• Work with you to find creative opportunities to obtain media exposure.
• Proactive sourcing of potential awards or recognitions for you to be recognized in.


Package Options

Package A: Pay As You Go

 For this package, you choose which services you would like, and the number of hours spent on them.

 For example, you may only want our help with booking new engagements.  Or, you would like help with booking new engagements plus managing the details leading up to the event date.


Hourly rate + commission of speaking fee and revenue from event                                      (if booking engagements service is selected)

 *Commission rate to be agreed upon after reviewing speaking fees and other services sold at the event.


 Package B: Book Engagements, Handle Details and Follow up

 This package includes booking new engagements, the details of those events                    and the follow up related to them.


Monthly fee + commission of speaking fee and revenue from event

 *Commission rate to be agreed upon after reviewing speaking fees                                  and other services sold at the event.


Package C: Book Me Plus Everything Else

This package includes all the speaker agent service we provide.


Monthly fee + commission of speaking fee and revenue from event

 *Commission rate to be agreed upon after reviewing speaking fees                                   and other services sold at the event.


Next step:

The next step is to book a complimentary discovery session to better understand what you need help with.

Click here to book your discovery session