I was interviewed recently by Stephan Neff host of the podcast, Steps To Sobriety .

245 Aaron Solly : Depression is Anger focused

Inwards Aaron Solly, the founder of Engage Coaching Group, is a banker turned coach, author, educator, father of two amazing boys, and husband.

At 37 years old, he was overwhelmed and in a deep depression in the basement of his home. He was working in the financial services industry feeling stressed out and not happy with his career. His first marriage was failing. His first son was 2 years old. His world felt like it was falling apart all around him. On that day, he decided to shift his perspective from “Why is this happening to me?” to “What is this for?”

The famous psychologist Carl Jung stated “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

When life struggles happen such as the fear of losing your job, a marriage breakdown or being in the dark cloud of depression, the answer is not from an outside source. The answer comes from going within yourself and connecting to your values, your purpose and all the feelings that are part of who you are.

3 top tips for my audience:

1. Feel your feelings.

2. Journaling is a proven tool to improve anxiety, lower levels of depression and increase positive mood.

3. Ask for help when you are struggling.

Enjoy the eposide below: