You may be experiencing a variety of emotions with the impact of the coronavirus on our daily lives.

You may have uncertainty regarding your job, your business, your health benefits, your daycare arrangements, your finances, your travel plans or the health of yourself or family members.

The above experiences combined with the information being shared on social media, TV and radio broadcasts may be causing feelings of overwhelm, stressed, frustration, sadness, uncertainty, anger or anxiety.

Support to Help You During This Time

I want to offer support to help with these feelings you may be experiencing. A few years ago, my book, “Engage, Connect, Grow” was published and I wrote it to help people who are experiencing the feelings mentioned above.

Journaling is a Simple Yet Powerful Health Resource

The key tool readers use in the book is journaling to help cope with mental health challenges. In the book, I quote research from Dr. James Pennebaker, who is a psychologist and leading expert in a field he created, something, he calls “Expressive Writing” and research from the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Proven Research About the Benefits of Journaling

Pennebaker found that journaling strengthens immune cells, lowers levels of depression and anxiety and increases positive mood, social engagement, and the quality of relationships.

The University of Rochester Medical Center found journaling can improve mental health. The benefits include managing anxiety, reducing stress, and coping with depression, to name a few.

During this time of recommended social distancing, journaling can be an easy and effective way to cope with what you are experiencing.

Free Coping Tools for You – eBook and Online Course

I want to help you with a free electronic copy of my book, “Engage, Connect, Grow” plus you can have free access to the online course, “Engage in You”.

The online course covers the Engage section of the book with the videos of the first 21 lessons in the book.

Connecting with Others is So Important Right Now

I have also included the ability for students enrolled in the online course to have the option to discuss their experiences with myself and other students.

When completing a lesson, you will have access to the discussions area to share your thoughts, insights, struggles, learnings, etc about the lesson.

You can access Engage in You online course at the link below and download the eBook within the course.

Click here to enroll in the Engage in You online course

Take care and I look forward to connecting with you in the course.

Feel free to share these resources with anyone you know who needs support.

Virtual Hug,
