This is lesson 5 in Part 1 of my upcoming book, “Engage, Connect, Grow – 52 lessons to guide individuals and corporate teams to the heart of what truly matters to them.” The book is coming out in the Fall of 2017.

It took me many years to realize the power of actually feeling my feelings. I used to avoid them. I avoided them to the point where I didn’t really know how to deal with them. I held on to anger. I believed that happiness was the only feeling to focus on. I thought if I wasn’t happy, there must be something wrong with me.

Here is a journal entry from 2000 about me expressing my feelings.

I’m feeling isolated. I don’t know if that’s the word, but I don’t feel like talking to anybody. It’s like someone could say whatever they wanted to me & I would just sit there not replying. Little things have been frustrating me. It’s like I just want to hide in my room for a while. My self-esteem has depleted & I don’t know why. This seems to happen every few months.

You may notice in these journal entries how my relationship with my feelings has evolved and changed.


Thank you for your love today! I witnessed it in a variety of ways. The cat is showing me love right now. bless you. Love you.
I got to feel and it was painful.
I got to feel and it was scary.
I got to feel and it was wonderful.
I got to feel.
I got to feel.
I got to feel and it woke me up.
I got to feel and it cleared my head.
I got to feel and it made me laugh.
I got to feel.
I got to feel.
I got to feel and share it with the world.
I got to feel and it gave me a voice.
I got to feel and it scared those around me.
I got to feel.
I got to feel.
I got to feel & now it is in hiding.
I got to feel & the fear is on.
I got to feel & I have moments that I have lost it.
I got to feel.
I got to feel.
I feel the anxiety & fear,
I feel strength I didn’t have before,
I feel lighter & clearer,
I feel I can do this,
I feel a new sense of love surrounding me,
I feel grateful, so grateful,
I feel comforted that even if I don’t feel this 100% it is ok.



Hello, sadness, tell me about you.
I am awake. I have been asleep.
I want to exist as part of you.
I am a part of you. I am here to teach and to heal.
It is okay to feel sad.
With sadness comes an awakening, breakthroughs and you.
You deserve joy so feel sad. Really feel it.
You are sad about loss. It is ok. Why are you sad?
Hold on to it. let it be.

Exercise for You

How are you feeling right now after reading this lesson? It is okay if you do or don’t know. If
you need help with identifying your feeling(s), you can download a feelings chart below.

  1. What is your experience with your feelings?
  2. Do you tend to avoid or embrace your feelings?
  3. How come?

Exercise for Your Team or Group

  1. What does it feel like to be a part of the team?
  2. What are some specific reasons for the group members’ answers to the question above? For instance, “How are you feeling right now after reading this lesson? What is your experience with your feelings? Do you tend to avoid or embrace your feelings?
  3. Based on the reasons above, what is one thing the team should continue doing and one improvement it could make in this area?


Click Here to Download The Feelings Chart


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